The Avionté Hope Foundation: Looking Back on 2015

Last month, in our October & November AHF Updates post, we covered what we had been up to throughout the last quarter of the year.

It all led up to a great December, when we partnered with the local radio station KS95, sponsoring their KS95 for Kids Radiothon which gives back to Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare and Children’s Cancer Research Fund.

Then, we worked with KDWB’s Christmas Wish program for the third year to purchase $5,000 worth of Cub Foods gift cards that KDWB could give away to local families in need during the Holiday season.

Looking back on 2015:

In 2015, Avionté employees spent 700 hours of their time volunteering through the Avionté Hope Day program. In addition, the Avionté Hope Foundation partnered with over 10 additional nonprofits and organizations and gave over $60,000 to local charities and nonprofits.

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