Avionté Hope Starts off 2015 With Feed My Starving Children
We kicked off the Avionté Hope Foundation’s 2015 activities with a new focus, new committee members, volunteer opportunities, and a donation campaign for our friends at The Link.
By: Tyler Long, Technical Support Specialist
I was chosen, along with three other people from the support department, to go along to the Children’s Hospital of Minnesota and to present them with a check from the Avionté Hope Foundation, which will go towards the Clinics’ Child Life fund.
This money was raised by Avionté through our monthly fundraising event in the office. Our support department won the challenge and was given the opportunity to choose where the money went to, along with who would go to the hospital to present the check.
After some deliberation, we decided that giving the money to the Clinics’ Child Life fund would make the most impact on a person’s life. We knew the money we were giving to them would go towards buying real things and would make the children happy.
Once we decided on the location, Children’s invited four support reps to take a tour of the Minneapolis location and to present the check. The tour was great! The four of us took a complete tour of the Children’s Hospital and got to see all of the amazing things Children’s has implemented solely to make a sick child feel as safe and at home as they can. One of my favorite parts was a musical device in the hallways that changed when you waved your hand over it.
After taking the tour, the four of us agreed that the decision to give the money to Children’s was the right one. We all felt good that a sick child will be able to get some enjoyment out of a scary situation because of us.
*photo: Avionte employees, from left to right: Tony Yang, Mitch Hamann, Chad Roesler and Tyler Long.