Staying Ahead in a Tech-Driven World: How the Right VMS Can Transform Your Staffing Agency

Let’s face it: the staffing industry is ruthless. With numerous agencies touting similar white-glove, highly personalized services, distinguishing your agency becomes challenging. As an executive, if you’re constantly concerned that other agencies armed with advanced technologies might outcompete you, or that your clients could opt for Managed Service Providers (MSPs) offering comprehensive Vendor Management System (VMS) solutions, those worries are valid.

The reality is, with technology evolving at such a rapid pace, agencies backed by advanced technology solutions are poised to dominate the market by placing candidates faster, and winning the loyalty of clients who appreciate the advantages that technology-driven staffing solutions bring them.

And, adopting tools, such as the right VMS, has proven to be a game changer for many staffing agencies. Employers want to move past the standard vendor relationship. They want to know how you are developing a loyal pool of reliable talent, how you can help their company measure the productivity and value of their temporary workforce, and how you can assist them in tackling the day-to-day management needs of their contingent staff. If you don’t have the tools available to meet their challenges head on, you will simply be left behind by an agency that does!

So, for staffing agency executives who believe that employers only care about results and not the methods used to achieve them, you’re greatly mistaken—to the detriment of your own agency. Times have changed, and in today’s technologically driven world, companies have evolved in how they manage talent, leveraging technology to create necessary efficiencies and better customer experiences – and they expect their staffing agencies to do the same.

“Employers want strategic partners who can offer innovative solutions and better transparency to meet their evolving needs. Every day, I’m contacted by a staffing client complaining that they’re getting implemented by yet another expensive VMS. When this happens, I ask: ‘Do you want to take charge of the implementation process or risk being stuck with an inefficient system that could end up costing you more?’ VMSs don’t have to be seen as a necessary evil. Instead, they offer a chance to provide your clients with a superior tool that empowers your agency and enhances your services.”

Rob GeistVP of Growth, SimpleVMS

Maximizing Your Agency’s Efficiency and Growth Through VMS Integration

So, how does delivering the right VMS help you as a staffing agency?

  • Real-Time Data and Analytics

    A VMS provides the real-time data and analytics that employers are now demanding. This enables you to provide the technology they need to make data-driven decisions and streamline operations. Additionally, it empowers your agency to respond swiftly to client needs. This level of responsiveness not only boosts your efficiency but also enhances your reputation as a proactive and reliable staffing partner. 

    With real-time dashboards, employers can efficiently measure contingent labor performance and costs, while your agency can promptly address their needs and concerns. This transparency ensures that clients are always well-informed and confident in your services, cementing your position as their preferred staffing solution. 

  • Revenue Opportunities

    Although working with a VMS does include a nominal fee, the benefits far outweigh the costs. Automation, risk mitigation, and streamlined processes lead to significant cost savings and new revenue streams. With VMS integration, your team can handle more clients and job orders without expanding.  

    And, offering a VMS sets you apart as a strategic partner, equipped to attract and place talent swiftly while meeting client needs. This cements your role in their contingent workforce management strategy, enhancing your reputation and market position. Clients stay loyal as you become invaluable, providing real solutions and fostering long-term partnerships based on trust and reliability. 

  • Efficient Client Management

    Client onboarding can be a headache, but a VMS can standardize workflows, automate document management, and customize reporting projects, making the process smoother and more manageable. Improved data reliability ensures that your clients have a seamless experience from day one, strengthening your relationship and encouraging repeat business. 

  • Simplified User Experience

    A modern VMS enhances the candidate experience by simplifying communication, applications, and payroll processes. Job seekers appreciate a streamlined and personalized approach, which can attract higher-quality candidates and improve placement rates. 

Why SimpleVMS is the VMS of Choice Among Both Clients and Staffing Agencies

As VMSs become increasingly essential for agencies, driven by employers’ desire for transparency and cost management, staffing agencies that effectively use this powerful tool can position themselves as the ultimate strategic partner for their clients.

But with so many VMS providers promoting their services, how do you choose the right solution to help your agency and clients’ businesses thrive? SimpleVMS offers the only contingent workforce management solution on the market that is uniquely crafted by staffing professionals for staffing professionals, addressing the critical needs of both employers and staffing agencies. It offers unparalleled transparency, robust reporting capabilities, consolidated invoicing, and fully integrated timekeeping features, making it a beloved solution in the industry.

This is why SimpleVMS offers one of the few VMS platforms highly recommended by both employers and staffing firms—earning rare endorsements from staffing firms that have historically approached VMSs with skepticism.

SimpleVMS stands out with its: 

  • Integrated Timekeeping System

    Managers no longer need to juggle multiple systems for approvals and management. With SimpleVMS, they have a single timeclock option to streamline operations and better manage workforce attendance. 

  • Transparent Invoicing

    SimpleVMS provides a single, transparent invoice for the entire contingent workforce, meeting the demand for greater visibility into staffing program costs. 

  • Enhanced Metrics

    In today’s metrics-driven world, clients seek comprehensive data on their staffing programs. SimpleVMS delivers detailed metrics on time-to-fill, tenure, and more, empowering clients to make informed decisions. 

  • Streamlined Operations

    SimpleVMS helps agencies overcome decentralization and lack of cost-management by automating non-revenue generating activities like report generation. This frees up time for recruiters to focus on what matters most – recruiting top talent. 

However, even though SimpleVMS has earned a positive reputation with staffing firms, there still was an issue for recruiters that can only be solved by integrating their services with an ATS tool. Using an unintegrated system meant that recruiters were still forced into managing multiple systems – a situation that even with a fantastic VMS caused inefficiency and even manual errors. 

The Power of Integration: Why Combining a Powerful VMS with a Robust ATS is Game-Changing

With a focus on keeping our staffing industry clients competitive and innovative, Avionté proudly announces a groundbreaking partnership with SimpleVMS. This partnership marks the first significant merger of a staffing platform with a VMS solution in North America, uniting the market’s most robust end-to-end ATS platform with a powerful VMS solution tailored to meet the needs of both staffing agencies and their employer clients. 

“Employers are looking to their staffing partners to help them with their contingent workforce programs. That’s why we’ve partnered with Avionté to provide the first-ever integrated VMS/ATS platform. We now have the opportunity to create a seamless data integration that can push an employer’s requisition to the staffing agency and the talent’s mobile phone in near real time. This eliminates redundant data entry for staffing agencies while improving overall collaboration and responsiveness.”

Jason OswaldPresident, SimpleVMS

This integration promises to be groundbreaking for both our agency clients and the staffing industry overall. And don’t just take our word for it. A recent report by Everest Group highlights that Avionté’s acquisition of SimpleVMS is set to revolutionize the contingent talent acquisition and management process, driving efficiencies and expediting job requisition fulfillment. The report also underscores how Avionté and SimpleVMS are reshaping the landscape of staffing and contingent workforce management, altering the competitive dynamics in the industry. 

“Avionté’s strategic acquisition of SimpleVMS will break down the barriers between VMS and staffing ATS technologies while delivering value to employers, staffing agencies, and talent. It is likely to set new standards for collaboration, transparency, and efficiency in contingent talent acquisition and management.”

Krishna CharanVice President, Everest Group

This strategic move aims to assist staffing agencies in streamlining operations and reducing administrative burdens associated with VMS usage. Avionté’s acquisition of SimpleVMS will enable seamless data integration across VMS, ATS, timekeeping, payroll, and invoicing systems, eliminating redundant workflows and billing discrepancies that hinder agency efficiency when managing disparate systems. 

“Avionté staffing customers will now be able to solve the biggest issues associated with the flow of job requisitions from employer to staffing agency to talent and back. Our combined solution will enable staffing companies to fill jobs rapidly while building a deeper strategic relationship with their employer clients.”

Rishabh MehrotraCEO, Avionté

In times of uncertainty, adopting the right technology is crucial to positioning your firm for growth when stability returns. Don’t get left behind! In this increasingly competitive industry, combining a powerful VMS tool that addresses the day-to-day challenges of contingent workforce management with a comprehensive ATS system that supports end-to-end recruiter workflows positions your agency to place talent faster, meet clients’ needs, and stand out among your competitors—positioning you to win! 

Next Steps 

Are you ready to connect your ATS to your VMS to deliver an even better staffing experience to your clients? Connect with Avionté today to learn how.  Schedule a free consultation call today

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