List of Finalists Published for Minnesota Business’ Community Impact Awards

Avionté is honored to have made the 2017 Community Impact Awards list, published by Minnesota Business.

This year’s Community Impact Awards honored businesses, social enterprise organizations, nonprofits, initiatives and individuals making a significant impact on communities in Minnesota.

The list of winners and finalists was published yesterday and highlights the three companies selected for each of their 12 categories.

Avionté placed as a finalist for the Best in Class: Midsize Company category, alongside Northeast Bank and Carmichael Lynch!

Minnesota Business asked John Long, the CEO of Avionte, the following questions, which were published on their website.

Read what he said below.

MB: What has motivated your company to strive to have such a dynamic impact on the community?

JL: We try to follow three principles, in order: a) Be personally accountable (financially and with integrity), b) Enjoy today (as tomorrow is not a given) and c) Have a positive influence on someone else’s life.

MB: Can you provide an example or anecdote of the above?

JL: Each year we have “Operation See-a-Need.” Groups of employees give $50 to a stranger who needs some extra help. That stokes the inner fire of what it feels like to make a difference for someone else.

MB: What primary value drives your work? Do you have a motto that expresses it?

JL: The goal of the Avionté Hope Foundation is to help people help themselves by touching lives and driving change in the local community.

MB: In your area of community work, what do you see as the biggest challenge for the future?

JL: Apathy. I feel the world is going in that direction, and I worry about that. I can’t get behind people who want to take their hands off the wheel and expect things will eventually work out for them.

MB: Who are your partners in charity?

JL: We partner with over 40 organizations in the Twin Cities, including The Link, Habitat for Humanity, KS95 for its annual Radiothon event.

Avionté began in 2005 and has grown to be a leader in its space – now providing staffing software solutions to over 450 clients and 14,000 users. The company’s foundation was established in 2012 and has given over $200,000 to local nonprofits and organizations. Learn more about Avionté Hope.

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