4 Ways a Paycard Loyalty Program Drives Positive Behaviors and Benefits Your Bottom Line
There are many reasons staffing firms should offer a paycard, including great benefits for both your firm and your employees.
Common wisdom dictates that keeping your existing clients is much better for your staffing firm than bringing on new ones.
Customer acquisition is expensive. It takes a lot of time and energy that could better be spent elsewhere. Besides, losing customers is demoralizing; so, it only makes sense to make avoiding it a priority.
What steps can your firm take to serve clients better while also looking for new ones?
Here are a few of our best loyalty-building ideas:
Don’t take clients for granted. Work on your relationship on an ongoing basis. Find out what’s working for your clients and what isn’t. Keep up with the changes within their organization and address any new challenges that arise.
Conduct regular service audits. Don’t assume what once worked for your clients is still working. Perform an audit – on-site if you can. Look for areas you can approve or new needs that may have developed.
Keep up with changes. Have your clients grown, changed their business model, or explored new areas of business? Make sure you’re keeping up with client and market developments.
Benchmark your pricing. Check regularly to make sure you aren’t over- or undercharging. You’ll do a disservice to your clients and your firm if your rates are not in line with the competition.
Keep improving your process. Good people are the most important thing; don’t let your candidate quality drop off.
Focus on your specialties. Trying new niches and processes is great, but don’t neglect those clients who count on you and the expertise you’ve developed.
Deliver on your promises. Don’t downgrade service with existing clients. Client loyalty is built when they are confident you will follow through on your commitments.
Make them proud to be a client. Everyone wants to work with the market leader. Improve their status and your own by establishing yourself as a thought leader and industry expert.
Keep marketing. Include existing clients in your marketing efforts. They may notice a service they didn’t know you offer enabling you to increase their successand improve engagement.
About Avionté:
At Avionté, we provide solutions for staffing firms that help you to operate more effectively and keep your operational costs down. Our comprehensive staffing software delivers integrated software systems that make it easier to drive growth, maximize profitability and streamline your administrative tasks, so that you can focus on your serving your customers. To learn more about the many benefits of Avionté staffing software, contact us today.