From “Disgruntled” to Firm Champion: How to Turn Your Worst Customer Into Your Best
The worst thing an unhappy customer can do is not tell you that he is unhappy. The second worse thing he can do is tell everybody he is unhappy.
One of the toughest things about the staffing industry is that no matter how hard you try, you can’t make everyone happy. If you don’t meet a client’s expectations, chances are, you lose any shot at potential additional business, and they could share their dissatisfaction others in their professional network.
If a candidate doesn’t get what they want from you, they often can and will turn to social media and review sites to express their dissatisfaction. Here’s how you can handle their complaints and turn detractors into boosters.
Attract the right candidates. Write postings that allow applicants to self-eliminate. It’s tempting to cast your net wide to get a large selection of candidates, but if the bulk of them are unsuitable, you need to reevaluate your process. Make requirements specific and use terminology that will attract qualified candidates, not every candidate.
Set realistic expectations. Don’t be so careful with applicants that they don’t know what’s to come. It just sets them up for disappointment. Provide them with honest, factual feedback they can act on. Don’t be afraid to say, “We rarely place clerical applicants who keyboard less than 60 wpm” or “Our clients only see candidates with more than two years of experience.” No one wants to wait for a call when there is zero chance it’s going to come.
Stay in touch. Let candidates know where they stand. Check in periodically to find out if they are still available or to give them a heads up as to when you are likely to need them. For example, if you expect a fall demand jump, it will raise the spirits of candidates who are still searching in July. A lack of communication is one the most common candidate complaints.
Monitor social media. Assign someone in the office to manage your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social accounts and to visit sites such as Glassdoor and Yelp regularly. Respond promptly to unhappy candidates who post negative reviews. Apologize online regarding their disappointment, but try to take the rest of the conversation offline. Don’t get into an argument with a disgruntled candidate.
Offer resumes reviews. By going over not just the formatting, but also gaps in employment, education or experience, they can see for themselves what they need to do to improve their chances of getting the next job.
About Avionté:
At Avionté, we provide solutions for staffing firms that help you to operate more effectively and keep your operational costs down. Our comprehensive staffing software delivers integrated software systems that make it easier to drive growth, maximize profitability and streamline your administrative tasks, so that you can focus on your serving your customers. To learn more about managing your online reputation, see our related posts or contact us today.